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VirusSeq project at the McGill Genome Centre
Jose Hector Galvez - TorBUG Talk - VirusSeq project at the McGill Genome Centre in the Year 2020
Beckman Coulter Biomek Dual POD FX. McGill Genome Center - Ragoussis Lab
An inside look at COVID-19 data analysis and modelling - genomic data and variant analysis
MonBUG - March (José Héctor Gálvez, Rached Alkallas)
MonBUG - March Meeting
HostSeq: A Canadian COVID-19 Human Host Genome Sequencing Initiative
ONETest PathoGenome: A Target Hybridization-Based Next-Generation Sequencing Assay to Tackle..
Enhanced, rapid NGS tools for viral research
Steven Salzberg - Metagenomic DNA Sequencing to Detect and Diagnose Infections (September 21, 2016)
Healthy Cities in the SDG Era – Episode 11: Life on Land
SynBioBeta COVID-19 Town Hall on sequencing’s role in fighting pandemics: An update from Illumina